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Become a member today! Click the “Join Now” button or fill out a PDF application below to sign up and start harnessing the power, resources, and support of your professional Association.

When You Join the 6,300+ Education Professionals in the WEA Family, You Benefit From:

  • Trained educator advocates, available to provide advice and represent members in situations of workplace dispute, including those situations involving possible reprimand or termination.
  • As legally appropriate, access to legal representation (please note this legal representation extends only to the practice of workplace law and does not cover criminal or civil litigation).
  • Being part of our unified voice. A strong Association gives members the greatest power in terms of bargaining for everything from better pay to flexible leave days (UniServ Directors also provide advice and guidance when addressing these issues with Administration).
  • Access to Professional Development and networking events. These events are often PTSB credit-eligible. Accommodations, meals and travel are often complimentary, or reimbursed to attendees.
  • NEA discounts and offerings exclusive to members. You’ll enjoy many NEA benefits, available only to members of WEA as an NEA affiliate, including liability insurance, exclusive Click N’ Save shopping deals, complimentary life insurance, discounts on home and auto insurance, and more.

Your membership benefits you, your colleagues, your students, and Wyoming public education. Your dues dollars support:

  • WEA’s political and legislative action in support of educators and students. Though member dues do not directly support candidates (this is a separate contribution through WEA’s Political Action Committee for Education, WEA PACE), WEA statewide staff work diligently to advocate for education-friendly legislation and lawmakers.
  • Financial and staff resources spent on development and execution of media campaigns and other communications aimed at bolstering positive public perception and support for all education employees in Wyoming.

Interested In Becoming A Member?

Join Today!

Become a member today! Click the “Join Now” button or fill out a PDF application available for download on this page to sign up and start harnessing the power, resources, and support of your professional Association.